We will send a verification code to . To verify that this is your email address, enter it below.
We will send a verification code to . To verify that this is your phone number, enter the last 4 digits including .
If matches the alternate email on your account, we'll send you a code.
If matches the last 4 digits of the phone number on your account, we'll send you a code.
The reset password link has been sent your email,please check.
If you have a recovery code, enter it now. If you don't have one, please contact suport@multcloud.com.
Your recovery code is 25 characters long and looks like this: XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX.
Because you turned on two-step verification, you need up-to-date security info to sign in to your account.
During the waiting period you will not be able to sign in to sites or services with your account, but will be able to sign in to devices.
You can avoid the wait by:
Using a trusted device. If you have a device that doesn't require codes, use it now and update your security info.
Finding your security info. Any chance it isn't entirely lost? If you can find it, use it now to re-enable your account.
The wait makes it harder for someone else to take over your account with a stolen password.
On you requested that your security info be replaced
Current security info
Alternate email:
Phone number:
New security info
Alternate email:
Phone number:
If you'd like to keep your current security info,
To help your account secure, you need a new recovery code.
If you ever need to recover access to your account, this code will help. You should write it down and store it in a safe place. We strongly recommend that you don't store your recovery code on a device.
If you previously had a recovery code, it is no longer valid. Use this new code instead.
Your new code is:
The security info update for has been canceled, and now you have full access to your account.
The contact info used to start the process () has been removed and won't be used as security info for your account.
Click "Next" to go back to what you were doing.
Your account is still in the waiting period.